Recycled fashion: Party dress crafted out of used cartons

The modern mantra of sustainability is reduce, reuse and recycle. While most of the eco-friendly products and measures concentrate on the reduction in consumption of natural resources, both recycling and reuse are often left behind. In the modern world governed by urban consumerism, it is the new and the shiny that appeal to us all. The old, whether they are gadgets and gizmos or appliances and décor, get lost in the shuffle pretty quickly. The growing piles of e-waste are an epitome of this fact. In such a scenario, even a tiny effort to recycle is indeed welcome.

This shiny party dress was crafted by Lucila Dominguez out of used milk and juice cartons and while it might not help a great deal in cutting out waste, it is the symbolic statement made on a fashion ramp that is more important. Like artists who create their ‘eco-friendly’ pieces of work to try and promote, fashion trends like these could also help spread the message of green a long way. That is especially true in a world where people gladly and at times blindly follow the shiny stars that walk the ramp.

This dress though was part of a school project and has been put together using duct tape, hot glue, old cartons, chips bags and a belt for the bow. Recycling with a trendy twirl!


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