Category Archives: Green Initiatives

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India to come up with four mega-scale solar projects

India is looking forward to double its current photovoltaic capacity as the construction work on four new large-scale solar energy projects worth two gigawatts (GW) is likely to start in April of this year. The plan was unveiled by the Union Minister of Finance of

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MIT engineers create solar device that uses heat to boost output

Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a solar device which will improve the efficiency of solar panels by using heat to produce infrared radiation which can be collected by a conventional photovoltaic cell. According to the researchers, the device take advantage of

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SmartCharger: A revolutionary solar charger by StrongVolt

A big problem with solar chargers is that whenever they pass through a shady region they get disconnected from the device and do not resume charging. One has to unplug the charging cable and then re-plug to restart the charging process. How irritating is that.