Category Archives: Technology

Drinking water crisis in India

Mindful Technologies Helping Solve Global Water Crisis

Water conservation has become a hot and heavy topic in recent times. Drought and water scarcity are not new to humankind, but climate change has made them more frequent and severe. To meet the ever-rising demand for clean, drinking water – amid the global water

Magnet-Powered Nanorobots to Remove Pollutants from Water

How Tiny Robots Could Remove Pollutants from Water?

Life on Earth is highly dependent on water resources and when water gets contaminated, the quality of all life deteriorates. With so many solutions in progress and rarely any significant results, one must wonder is there anything that can help decontaminate water resources. Well, there

Belgrade’s Liquid-Tree

Belgrade’s “Liquid Tree” Creation to End Air Pollution

Serbia’s Belgrade has found an exclusive way to fight against air pollution in the form of a “Liquid Tree”. This unique invention dubbed LIQUID 3 is the country’s first urban photo-bioreactor, which will efficiently deal with the problems linked with greenhouse gas emissions by refining

Environmental Awareness Games - Play Now

15+ Intuitive Environmental Awareness Games for Kids

Environmental problems are not new – our planet has been dealing with issues like air pollution, water pollution, carbon emissions, glacier melting, climate change, global warming, ocean plastic pollution, and whatnot! In this day and age internet has overshadowed almost everything from online education to