Apple’s electric car to arrive in market by 2019: WSJ

Apple’s electric car might arrive by 2019, as per new report by the Wall Street Journal. WSJ informs that Apple’s team, working on a project codenamed ‘Titan’, has been upgraded to 1,800 employees from 600 previously. The information, according to WSJ, came from its secret

17 insanely beautiful natural wonders of the world

Universe is full of amazing wonders, and planet earth is one of them. The blue planet appears like a marble from space but it is full of various types of natural wonders. As it is said, ‘there is no better artist than mother nature herself.’ Traveling is

designer say no to fur at London Fashion Week

80% designers at London Fashion Week said no to animal fur: PETA

It’s a great relief for animal lovers and environmentalists – London Fashion Week in February 2015 was more animal-friendly than anytime previously – 80 percent designers, including famous brands featured on the show did not feature fur in their collections. According to the International Fur Trade